
Inspiring a global dialogue.

As the world's first museum dedicated to human rights, we are centred around the idea that respect and understanding of human rights can serve as a positive force for change in the world.

Two individuals stand looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows at the Winnipeg skyline. The sun is setting. Partially obscured.

Photo: CMHR, Aaron Cohen

Our mandate

Our mandate is to explore the subject of human rights, with special but not exclusive reference to Canada, in order to enhance the public's understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others, and to encourage reflection and dialogue.

As with all of Canada’s national museums, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights plays an essential role in:

  • Preserving and promoting our heritage at home and abroad
  • Contributing to the collective memory and sense of identity of all Canadians
  • Being a source of inspiration, research, learning and entertainment that belongs to all Canadians
  • Providing, in both official languages, a service that is essential to Canadian culture and available to all

Our guiding principles

Be sustainable

To ensure our mandate extends to future generations, we will establish a work environment that is reflective of our values. We will demonstrate responsibility for our people, our assets, our financial resources and the impact we have on the environment around us.

Be relevant

Rooted in our values, we will be a trusted resource for human rights content and information. We will inspire human rights defenders to entrust us with their stories. We will be responsive to the needs and perspectives of our publics.

Grow engagement

We will expand our reach, providing visitors with human rights experiences that educate and inspire. These experiences will have a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of all visitors – whether they are engaged on site, online or off site.

Our history

From big idea to breaking ground to grand opening, discover the story behind building a global home for human rights.

The building

Learn about the acclaimed design of the Museum, as it guides you on a journey from darkness to light.
