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Welcome - Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Inspirational Quote

“People in Canada have this idea that racism has not played a central role in our history.”

Sandy Hudson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter - Canada

A black woman sits on a wooden block with a dark purple background and low lighting. Partially obscured.

Photo: Nikk Rich

Love in a Dangerous Time: Canada’s LGBT Purge

January 31, 2025 to early 2026

From the 1950s to the 1990s, the Government of Canada systematically investigated, harassed and fired 2SLGBTQI+ members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP and the federal public service destroying careers, ruining lives and inflicting psychological damage on the community.

A large group of protestors march through a city while two uniformed RCMP officers keep watch. In this black-and-white image, the protestors' signs and banners call for an end to discriminatory practices against members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Partially obscured.

Black history and human rights

Discover Black stories, voices, struggles and triumphs. Learn about personal and collective acts of resistance and the ongoing fight for equality. Reflect on how we can work to end colonial and racist systems of repression.

A black and white photo of four men in train porter uniforms. All of the men are smiling, and the two men in the middle appear to be shaking hands.

Photo: Library and Archives Canada, PA-212572

Noir et fier (Black and Proud) market and events

February 8, 9 and 27, 2025 — Learn, celebrate and find unique crafts and products during these vibrant cultural events.

A group of people of all ages, many in brightly coloured traditional African attire, dancing and smiling.

Photo: Noir et fier

Plan your visit


Respect, truth and community within natural law: Cree Teachings with Marilyn Dykstra

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

A walking path curves through a heavily treed wooded area that is dusted with snow. Partially obscured.

Culinary Night at the Museum

Friday, February 14, 2025

Cost: $145 includes dinner, $180 includes dinner and signature drink at each stop

A woman with light skin and long, dark brown hair is using her cell phone to take a photo of a plate of gourmet food on a table. Partially obscured.

Returning to ceremony: Cree teachings, pipe ceremony and feast with Knowledge Keeper Marilyn Dykstra

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

A lone bald eagle sits on a branch of a craggy, leafless tree. In the background, a nearly full moon shines in a twilight sky. Partially obscured.

Folklorama night and human rights

Friday, March 21, 2025

Cost: $65 per ticket

Thirteen Irish dancers dressed in short, black dresses are holding brooms across their chest. Partially obscured.


She said | He said

By Leslie Vryenhoek, editor

Une drag queen très maquillée et coiffée d’une perruque composée de longues et minuscules tresses brandit un livre pour enfants pour le montrer à un public. La toile de fond derrière elle est un arc-en-ciel pastel. Partially obscured.

Black Lives Matter and the struggle for racial justice in Canada

By Debra Thompson

Un grand groupe de personnes tenant des pancartes avec des slogans en anglais qui disent, entre autres, « Les vies noires comptent », « Assez, c’est assez » et « Votre silence est une trahison ». Partially obscured.

Information Disorder in Times of Conflict

By Saranaz Barforoush, Ph. D. and Shayna Plaut, Ph. D.

Une personne portant un casque bleu foncé marqué du mot « PRESS » montre, depuis la fenêtre d’un balcon surplombant une route, une colonne de fumée à la suite d’une explosion. Partially obscured.

Persecution of queer Canadian soldiers in wartime

By Sarah Worthman

Un homme se tient dans l’ombre d’une cellule de pierre austère, regardant vers le haut la lumière vive du soleil qui entre par une fenêtre à barreaux. Partially obscured.


Strength in Numbers: The Polish Solidarity Movement

January 2020 to August 2026

A woman wearing a dress cups her hand to a megaphone placed at her mouth. She is standing elevated above a crowd of people at a gate, with two flags waving nearby. Partially obscured.

Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War

October 2019 to March 2025

A group of young women and girls in their teens stand together on the front porch of a building. Most are dressed in white blouses and blue skirts, with two girls also wearing blue sweaters. To the right, a doorway reveals a roomful of students sitting at wooden desks and writing on notepads. Partially obscured.

Explore the Museum from home

Join Museum guides for virtual tours of our exhibits and architecture. Download our mobile app to check out the entire Museum, gallery by gallery. Discover our many special online experiences.

A smiling woman with light skin is filmed on a cell phone. She is wearing a lanyard with the words “Be inspired” and standing in front of an exhibit element made of horizontal strips of wood, some decorated with Indigenous art. Partially obscured.

Photo: CMHR, Scott Gillam
