Reference Centre

Carte International Reference Centre

The Centre is currently closed.

A room containing books on bookshelves, a reference desk with a computer workstation and worktables. Partially obscured.

Photo: CMHR, Stephen Carney

The Carte International Reference Centre is devoted to collecting and providing access to resources that support human rights learning and research. We serve the general public, school groups, visiting scholars and academics, and the global human rights community. If you’re looking for a study space, reference services or access to the Museum’s collections, come by and see us at the Reference Centre.

The Reference Centre is temporarily closed to visitors. Our Reference Centre staff are still available to assist you in finding the information you’re looking for by telephone or email.

Online resource guides

The LGBT Purge

We invite you to explore this resource guide as a starting point to learning more about the LGBT Purge, a decades‐long systemic targeting of LGBT members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP and the federal public service.

A large group of people dressed in T-shirts and seventies-style flared pants, stand together holding signs with messages such as “Out of the Closet,” “Gay is Good” and “Repeal Anti-Gay Laws.”

Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation

By Priscila Alves Werton and Stephen Carney

We invite you to explore this guide as a starting point to learning more about misinformation, disinformation and malinformation – the inadvertent or purposeful spread of false information – and their impact on human rights causes.

A group of people using cell phones while standing.

Forced Displacement

In this guide, you will find resources about forced displacement worldwide.

A young man with dark hair and a cap, whose head is turned to the right as if to check behind him is superimposed over a painting of adults and children walking along a darkened path with luggage.

Talking to Kids about the Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict

In this guide you will find links to resources that can help when talking with children and youth about the current and ongoing Israeli‐Palestinian conflict.

The covers of seven books in English and in French.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQI+ People

In this guide, you will find links to resources related to the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people in Canada and the United States.

5 red dresses of different sizes and designs are displayed on mannequins.

Music and human rights

Learn more about the connection between music, activism, protest and human rights issues

An antique chrome-plated microphone in the centre of the image is encircled by multicoloured rays over a mottled blue and green background.

Wrongful convictions and systemic racism

In this guide, you will find links to resources related to wrongful convictions and the impact of systemic racism and discrimination on the justice systems in settler colonial contexts such as Canada, the United States and other countries around the world.

An simple illustration of a white hummingbird picking the lock of a door and opening it. The door is in a row of doors.

Canada’s residential schools

In this guide, you will find links to resources related to the residential school system and the stories of children who were taken from their families and sent to residential schools.

A Museum exhibit showing a black-and-white photo of children sitting in rows at school desks. Two desks, similar to those in the photo sit in the centre of the exhibit. A headline on a text panel reads “Childhood Denied.”


We invite you to explore this guide as a starting point in learning more about the Rohingya people.

A museum gallery featuring photographs projected onto large screens with seating in the middle of the room.

Children in war and conflict

We invite you to explore this guide as a starting point to learning more about the varied experiences children face during war and prolonged societal conflict and what their lives are like when conflict ends.

An illustration of several women standing in a line holding hands.

Technology and surveillance

Learn more about technology and human rights in our resource guide. Discover journalist Megha Rajagopalan’s coverage of state surveillance in China and explore resources about privacy, security and human rights.

Three surveillance cameras on the corner of a building

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