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Topics: Human rights promotion


Visas of Life and the Epic Journey

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Bonnie & John Buhler Hall, Level 1

An open photo album contains black-and-white headshots of seven individuals and other annotated photos

Gone too soon

June 4, 2024 to March 31, 2025

Cost: This space is free to access.

Location: The Forks North Portage Partnership Classroom Lobby

Purple poppies made of paper with names and messages from community members and family of those who have died as a result of a poisoned drug supply.

Day of Pink: Re‐Emergence Tour

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Bonnie & John Buhler Hall

An artistic drawing of four narrow, multicoloured evergreens that flow into fluid line drawings of humans.

Spring break 2025 at the Museum

Saturday, March 29 to Sunday, April 6, 2025

Cost: Free with admission

Location: Multiple areas in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Two children sit at a table making art while an adult leans on the table, watching.

The Goose Moon returns with love

Saturday, April 12, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The group will meet in Bonnie & John Buhler Hall, Level 1 and proceed together to Level 6.

Two Canada geese together on a body of water.

Return to the Falls: Film screening and conversation

Wednesday, April 16, 2025

Cost: Free, registration required

Location: Bonnie & John Buhler Hall, Canadian Museum for Human Rights

A girl with long dark hair wearing a knee-length white dress faces away, standing ankle deep in a calm lake, with the setting sun casting a warm yellow glow across the water.


What Is Two‐Spirit? Part One: Origins

By Scott de Groot

Discover the history and meaning of Two‐Spirit. The term speaks to community self‐determination, rejects colonial gender norms and celebrates Indigenous sexual and gender diversity.

A poster featuring large artwork depicting two faces in dramatic colours and patterns, with background imagery including hands, standing figures and geometric shapes. A large title at the top reads “The 10th Annual International Two Spirit Gathering” and text at the bottom reads “August 27-31, 1997. Onamia, Minnesota.”

Black Lives Matter and the struggle for racial justice in Canada

By Debra Thompson

Protest movements reveal and resist the injustice of systemic racism in Canada. Black community activism includes public protest, policy change and collective care.

A large group of people holding signs with slogans such as “Black Lives Matter,” “Enough is Enough” and “Your Silence is Betrayal.”

Nursing and Indigenous peoples’ health: reconciliation in practice

By Maureen Fitzhenry

Nurses’ long‐time partnership shows that decolonizing our health care systems is necessary for enhancing respect, fairness and social justice for First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

A group of Indigenous women nurses stand together outside.

Star Trek and human rights

By Alana Conway and Murray Leeder

Star Trek has offered an intelligent, socially conscious approach to science fiction since it debuted in 1966. Current Star Trek series feature complex, nuanced perspectives on important human rights matters such as genocide, migrancy and refugees.

A humanoid alien stands next to a wall.

From refugee to firefighter

By Maureen Fitzhenry

In 1991, Ali and his wife fled a brutal civil war in Somalia, ending up in a Kenyan refugee camp with their 3 children. After a long process, they immigrate to Canada.

A smiling man stands in front of a fire truck.

Drawing the truth: Eight meaningful graphic novels

By Stephen Carney

Eight graphic novels that tell compelling stories about injustice, activism and hope.

The covers of many graphic novels.

Dick Patrick: An Indigenous veteran’s fight for inclusion

By Steve McCullough and Jason Permanand

Patrick was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the Second World War, but back in British Columbia he was refused restaurant service because he was Indigenous. That didn't stop him.

A snow-covered country road with mountains in the background.

Jody Williams and the campaign to ban landmines

By Julia Peristerakis

A woman sitting on a chair with hands clasped looks thoughtfully ahead, as if answering a question.

Resource guides

Music and human rights

Learn more about the connection between music, activism, protest and human rights issues

An antique chrome-plated microphone in the centre of the image is encircled by multicoloured rays over a mottled blue and green background.
