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Exhibitions and Events: Expand your views on human rights.

Through our galleries and programs, you will encounter thousands of stories featuring people, events and ideas from all over the world. We explore moments of human rights advancement and others of setback. These stories encourage us all to consider how our choices affect others, from our neighbours to people across the globe.

Gone too soon

Until March 2025 - From 2016 to 2023, 42,494 individuals are known to have died from opioid toxicity deaths in Canada. Their rights to life and security of person were not protected. This work honours those gone too soon from a poisoned drug supply.

CMHR, Linsday Affleck

The Witness Blanket

September 20, 2024 to September 20, 2027

Exposition muséale présentant un grand mur de bois incurvé et autoportant sur lequel sont fixés de nombreux petits objets disposés en losanges et en rectangles. Au premier plan, des bancs circulaires créent un espace accueillant où les gens peuvent regarder et contempler l’exposition. Partially obscured.

Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War

October 2019 to March 2025

A group of young women and girls in their teens stand together on the front porch of a building. Most are dressed in white blouses and blue skirts, with two girls also wearing blue sweaters. To the right, a doorway reveals a roomful of students sitting at wooden desks and writing on notepads. Partially obscured.
