Community Collaboration
Commonly asked questions regarding Community Collaboration submissions

Photo: CMHR, Aaron Cohen
Your request will be reviewed and forwarded to the appropriate person/department within the Museum based on the information that was provided. Afterwards, your request will be evaluated and you will be contacted to discuss next steps.
Can anyone submit a request?
Yes. Whether you are an individual or a company/organization/institute with an idea on how you would like to engage with the Museum, please complete the form by filling in the required fields.
Should I also submit a Community Collaboration Request if I've already spoken to Museum staff?
Yes, please complete the Community Collaboration submission form even if you have already contacted someone from the Museum.
Please indicate on the submission form in the appropriate field who you contacted regarding your request and when.
Examples of Community Collaboration
Some examples of Community Collaboration Requests from the available categories include:
- Exhibition proposal: please complete the Exhibition Proposal application form with your request.
- Human rights project for display: please complete the Community Corridor application form with your request.
- Letter of support: community‐based projects, funding proposals, grant applications
- Promotion/support: having the Museum share/highlight your human rights‐based project.
- Facility/room rental: all available rental spaces at the Museum
- Program proposal/idea: human rights‐based film screenings, panel discussions, workshops
- Live performance: dance, music, theatre
- Other: please share your request if it does not fall within the above categories
Who can I contact to find out the status of my request?
Please contact Administrative Coordinator Nicholas MacPhee at external.requests@humanrights.ca or 204–289-2112 to inquire about the status of your request.