Love in a Dangerous Time: Travelling exhibition

Rental fee: To be determined

Space requirements: 470 Square meters (4,000 square feet)

Un groupe de personnes manifeste sur le trottoir devant un immeuble de bureaux. Elles tiennent des pancartes et des banderoles de protestation et sont disposées sur trois ou quatre rangs. Un policier les observe. Partially obscured.

Source : Photographie de Jearld Moldenhauer

About the exhibition

Learn how 2SLGBTQI+ members of the Canadian military, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and federal civil service were investigated, interrogated and removed from their jobs. Explore the history of Canada’s Purge and find inspiration to help create a future in which the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ people are respected.

From the 1950s to the 1990s, the Government of Canada systematically persecuted 2SLGBTQI+ members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the public service. Known as “the Purge,” it was an attempt to remove 2SLGBTQI+ people from the workforce, justified by arguments that they presented a threat to national security. In the aftermath, courageous 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians led political and legal campaigns to ensure sexual orientation became a protected ground under Canadian human rights law. Their activism led to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’ s apology to 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians in 2017. It also led to a class action settlement in 2018 that established the LGBT Purge Fund, which has been working with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to develop an exhibition about this dark period in Canadian history.

This exhibition is currently in development. The traveling exhibition will include :

  • All artifacts. Loan agreements for the artifacts will be the responsibility of the CMHR;
  • Images, audio soundscapes, graphics, AV projections, digital interactives and accessibility features;
  • IT/AV components. Remote IT/AV support will be provided;
  • All physical graphic/environmental components (venues will be required to produce single‐use graphics).

Note : Assets used within the exhibition will be licensed for exhibition use. Licensing for promotional use may be the responsibility of the venue.


Love in a Dangerous Time is delivered in partnership with the LGBT Purge Fund.

In 2016, survivors of the LGBT Purge launched a nation‐wide class action lawsuit against the Canadian government and a historic settlement was reached in June 2018. The settlement allocated between $15 and $25 million for “reconciliation and memorialization measures.” These funds, and the Love in a Dangerous Time exhibition, are a gift from LGBT Purge victims. Indeed, the funds symbolically represent compensation for the suffering of victims of the LGBT Purge who did not live long enough to be eligible to receive individual compensation under the LGBT Purge settlement. We hope that this exhibition will be a fitting tribute to their lives and legacy.

Photos of Love in a Dangerous Time: Travelling exhibition

Un groupe de personnes se presse dans une rue de ville en brandissant des pancartes et des drapeaux arc-en-ciel. Sur la pancarte au premier plan, il est écrit en anglais : « Pour protéger tous les enfants, nous devons protéger les enfants transgenres et queer ».
Source : La Presse canadienne, photographie par Darren Calabrese
Un groupe de personnes assises sur des bancs et debout dans une pièce aux boiseries sombres. Elles applaudissent et sourient.
Source : Photographie par Mitchel Raphael
Un groupe de personnes portant des vêtements autochtones colorés sont alignées à l’intérieur d’une tente sur de l’herbe et dansent.
Source : Photographie par Sadie Phoenix Lavoie
Un groupe de jeunes femmes en t-shirts vert terne à manches courtes qui sourient.
Source : Gracieuseté de Martine Roy

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Contact details

Brodie Sanderson (il/lui)
