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Author: Dave McLeod


is a member of the Pine Creek First Nation, MB. He works as the CEO of Native Communications Inc. in Treaty #1 Territory and is also the host/producer of The Indigenous Music Countdown heard on SiriusXM and other stations. He has co‐curated exhibitions with the National Music Centre in Calgary and the Resurgence part of the Beyond the Beat exhibition at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.


Heartbeat of a People

By Dave McLeod

First Nation, Inuit and Métis music has demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability throughout history. Music by the people is still at the heart of who they are, as it has been for millennia.

Close-up on a group of people wearing beaded jackets and vests performing on stage. In the centreer, a man wearing glasses, a hat, and a large, beaded medallion sings into a microphone.
