Author: Shayna Plaut, Ph. D.
Shayna Plaut, Ph. D. is the Director of Research and Exhibition Development at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Shayna’s work sits at the intersection of academia, journalism and advocacy with a particular interest in people who do not fit in well with the traditional understanding of the nation state. Shayna has served as a consultant for the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty International and a variety of migrant and human rights organizations. Her 2023 book, The Messy Ethics of Human Rights Work, published by UBC Press, is a collaborative effort with four editors and 13 contributors providing an honest reflection on the uncertain and ever‐present grey areas of engaging in human rights work.
Information Disorder in Times of Conflict
By Saranaz Barforoush, Ph. D. and Shayna Plaut, Ph. D.
The distortion of facts doesn’t just blur the truth — it shapes how the world sees a conflict, downplaying real suffering and making it easier to see others as “the enemy.” Disinformation is a direct threat to human rights. We see examples of this weapon of war taking a toll in conflicts today.