Transforming the Ways We Lead

Bridging Indigenous and Human Rights

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

This event has passed.

People sitting in an audience. Partially obscured.

Photo: CMHR, Krista Anderson

Event details

CMHR, Bonnie & John Buhler Hall, Level 1

Loretta Ross (Bimaashi Migizi), Treaty Relations Commissioner of Manitoba, and Derek Nepinak, CEO Kanata Financial and former Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, will share their perspectives on how leaders must initiate change in light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action, while also acknowledging Indigenous rights, and Canada’s commitment to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

As we come to understand the histories and learn about the effects of colonization, residential schools, and their intergenerational impacts, each of us is challenged to move forward in a good way. How can we use this knowledge in a respectful way to influence leaders to make meaningful and responsible changes?

Loretta Ross and Derek Nepinak will highlight community‐driven pathways to improve leadership practices. They will explore different ways of knowing and how community capacity can enhance leadership to facilitate culturally relevant and reciprocal change. 

Presented in partnership with the University of Winnipeg.

This event will be presented in English only.
