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Author: Travis Tomchuk


Travis Tomchuk is Curator, Canadian human rights history. He has been developing content and exhibitions at the Museum on a wide range of human rights subjects since 2012.


The Doctrine of Discovery

By Travis Tomchuk

Learn about this 500‐year‐old colonial idea that still affects Canada’s treatment of Indigenous peoples.

Two people in braids and ribbon skirts raise fists and hold a large cloth banner reading “RESCIND THE DOCTRINE” on the steps of an enormous cathedral.

Manitoba’s Mincome experiment

By Travis Tomchuk

A landmark study performed in Manitoba in the 1970s showed that guaranteed annual income could improve the lives of people in poverty.

Late 1960s-era photo of downtown Winnipeg showing the Eaton’s building decorated with many bright Christmas lights.

The Winnipeg General Strike

By Travis Tomchuk

A large crowd gathered on a street

Black sleeping car porters

By Travis Tomchuk

Black men employed as sleeping car porters in Canada from the late nineteenth century until the mid‐1950s experienced racial discrimination and exploitation on the job.

A black and white photo of four men in train porter uniforms. All of the men are smiling, and the two men in the middle appear to be shaking hands.
