The Eagle Moon is upon us.
The eagle teaches us how we can rise above breaking natural law and how to behave toward each other and our planet. The spring equinox invigorates our connection and is a reminder that we all can all awaken our blood memory and return to our sacred ways of being.
We’ll focus on humility and how to steer ourselves within Wahkowtowin and Wetaskiwin on our Earth Mother. Let’s gather to welcome her return with a pipe ceremony and potluck feast.
This workshop is part of a monthly Wahkowtowin and Ways of Being series led by Knowledge Keeper Marilyn Dykstra. Each month, we will explore a variety of moon, pole and tea teachings in the Cree tradition.
Wahkowtowin – which translates to kinship – highlights how relationships, communities and the natural world are all interconnected.
Participants will discover and reflect on their connections with each other, with balance and with human rights through teachings and a traditional tea.