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News Releases listing

Canadian Museum for Human Rights Museum welcomes Stuart Murray as new President and Chief Executive Officer


The Canadian Museum for Human Rights' senior management, from left to right : Patrick O'Reilly, Chief Operating Officer; Susanne Robertson, Chief Financial Officer; Stuart Murray, President and Chief Executive Officer, Victoria Dickenson, Chief Knowledge Officer and Arni Thorsteinson, Chair of the

Private sector fundraising campaign surpasses original goal


"When we started fundraising six years ago we had nothing – no building, no programming, and no patrons or alumni to form our donor base," said National Campaign Chair Gail Asper, O.C., O.M. "But thankfully, there were many extraordinary Canadians who shared our dream and lent their support to help

Museum fundraising campaign continues


"The Board of Trustees asked the Friends to continue their efforts to ensure that we build the iconic structure and world‐class exhibits expected from this national and international destination and centre for learning," said Arni Thorsteinson, Chair of the CMHR Board. "This project will have import

60th Anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


To mark this important milestone, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights launched its first virtual exhibition entitled: Everyone has the Right: A Canadian and the Words that Changed the World. The exhibit was premiered at a Human Rights Day Youth Conference organized by the United Nations of Canada –

Speech delivered by CMHR Board of Trustees Chair Eric Hughes at the 2013 CMHR Annual Public Meeting


Nelson Mandela, 1918 – 2013"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation."  …Thank you Angela. Good morning! Bonjour! C'est un grand plaisir pour moi d'être ici avec vous. J'aimerais vous exprimer ma plus sincère gratitude pour votre intérêt dans le Musée canadi

Speech delivered by CMHR President and CEO Stuart Murray at the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Club Annual General Dinner Meeting, June 9, 2013


…thank you for that introduction. Good evening! On behalf of my colleagues at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, my sincere thanks to the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Club of Winnipeg for inviting me to join you this evening. Merci d'être présent. Je suis content d'être parmi vous

Thinking about Ideas Museums: U of M leads human rights conversation


News release from the University of Manitoba Would a virtual reality exhibit make museum visitors more empathetic to suffering? Are Aboriginal rights and human rights the same thing? What can Winnipeg's new Canadian Museum for Human Rights learn from museums in other countries? Those kinds of questi

Speech delivered by CMHR President and CEO Stuart Murray at Manitoba UNESCO Schools Conference -


Check against delivery Good afternoon. Hello! Thank you for that introduction, and thank you for inviting me to speak with you today.  I'm told we have people here today speaking some 21 languages and representing 34 different schools in Canada, the U.S., and as far away as Germany. On behalf of eve

Speech delivered by CMHR President and CEO Stuart Murray at the CMHR’s 2012 Annual Public Meeting


Check against delivery. Thank you, Eric. Good morning! Thank you to our wonderful hosts at Sisler High School, and hello and bonjour to all who are joining us today, both here in Winnipeg and online. C'est un grand plaisir pour moi d'être ici avec vous. J'aimerais aussi vous exprimer ma plus sincère

Speech delivered by President and CEO Stuart Murray at May 25, 2012 event with Manli Ho


Thank you very much for being here today. We are so pleased to have Manli Ho here with us to speak about the experiences of her father, Dr. Feng‐Shan Ho, during the Second World War. His moving story speaks to the importance of vigilance in the protection and promotion of human rights.  I would like

Speaking Notes For Outwords 15th Anniversary Stuart Murray Sunday October 25, 2009


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, friends. I am very happy to be here tonight to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Outwords. I want to begin by congratulating the contributors to Outwords — all of the writers, editors and photographers that have worked on this important magazine over the last fifte

Speech delivered by Mr. Patrick O’Reilly to the Canadian Museums Association on Thursday, March 26, 2009


On behalf of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights I want to say how pleased we are to join you. For those of you who are not familiar with us, I want to give a quick bit of background. The CMHR is Canada's fifth national museum. Some of the other national Museum's have had new buildings and rejuvena

Speech Delivered by Mr. Patrick O’Reilly to the Chambre de commerce francophone de Saint‐Boniface on Thursday April 2, 2009


I'm very happy to be with you today to talk about Winnipeg's, and indeed Canada's most exciting project, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. If any of you drove past the site today, you would have seen fencing up around the site and a large trailer, which is the site office. Yes, construction has

Speech Delivered by Mr. Patrick O’Reilly to the Commercial Realtor Division Winnipeg Realtors Association on Monday, February 5, 2009


I'm very happy to be with you this morning to talk about Winnipeg's, and indeed Canada's most exciting project, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The Museum has been close to the hearts of Manitobans for a number of years, as they have nurtured the dream and watched it grow. This dream grew beyo

A fantastic fall begins at the Museum: new hours and tours


Starting today, the Museum will resume its off‐season hours, which are Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday evening until 9 p.m., closed on Mondays except for holidays such as Thanksgiving. From January 4 to 11, 2016, the Museum's galleries will be closed to visitors for annual mainten

CMHR to receive design awards from Canadian Institute of Steel Construction


The Museum, its builders and designers will receive two CISC Ontario Steel Design Awards of Excellence in the "projects constructed outside of Ontario" category. More than 5,400 tonnes of steel was used in building the CMHR, the same weight as 27 train locomotives. CMHR president and CEO Stuart Murr

Speech delivered by CMHR President and CEO Stuart Murray to underscore the Memorandum of Understanding between 2IDHP and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Normandy (France), June 3, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen, honoured guests, bonsoir!C'est un honneur d'être ici en Normandie pour célébrer ce protocole d'entente entre nos deux institutions : l'Institut international des droits de l'homme et de la paix, et le Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne. It is an honour to be here in
