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Author: Steve McCullough


Steve McCullough worked at the Museum as Digital Content Specialist.


Online misogyny: the “manosphere”

By Steve McCullough

Digital misogyny is on the rise. Why do some men and boys get drawn into – and even seek out – extremist influencers and groups?

A white man with short hair sits alone at a brightly lit desk in a dark room, staring at a computer monitor.

Dick Patrick: An Indigenous veteran’s fight for inclusion

By Steve McCullough and Jason Permanand

A snow-covered country road with mountains in the background.

The story of Black slavery in Canadian history

By Steve McCullough and Matthew McRae

Canada celebrates being a destination for Americans who escaped slavery via the Underground Railroad. But slavery was also part of Canada’s history for more than 200 years.

Rusted iron manacles hang on hooks on a plain white wall.
