Rendez-vous de la Francophonie 2023

Free National Film Board film screenings to enjoy on demand with friends and family

March 1 to March 31, 2023

This event has passed.

Two people dressed in chic clothes smile as confetti falls on them and hold theatre masks, in front of a colourful background. Partially obscured.

Photo: Rendez-vous de la Francophonie

Event details


This year, the Rendez‐vous de la Francophonie (RVF) marks its 25th anniversary with the theme of celebration, and for the 18th year in a row, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is taking part in the festivities, offering a number of films that highlight “the music of French” —the unique sound and feel of the French language and its diverse manifestations.

The programs are available to audiences of all ages, Francophones and Francophiles alike, during Francophonie Month, from March 1 to 31.

We’re proud to present a selection of short films.

Invite your friends and family to join and enjoy a conversation together and follow the guiding questions for each program.

It’ll Make You Want to Sing! (43 min | Ages 14+)

Illustration of a woman with brown hair and a red dress standing in a field as white birds fly around her.

This selection of musical films offers a rich overview of French songs in Canada. Through playful rhythms, great artists put their identities, their challenges and their victories into words. Haunting tunes guaranteed!

Use the password 1234 to watch the Sing videos here:

Assez French (French Enough) 
Alexis Normand
18 min | English and French subtitles

Jours de plaine 
Réal Bérard and André Leduc
6 min | English description available

Les fleurs de macadam
Laurent Coderre
2 min | English description available

Roland Stutz
2 min | English description available

Florent Vollant : Je rêve en innu (Florent Vollant: I Dream in Innu) 
Nicolas Renaud
5 min | English subtitles

Vive la rose 
Bruce Alcock
6 min | English and French subtitles

Anne‐Marie Sirois
4 min | English description available

        Reflect and discuss on what makes you Sing

        • What is your favourite song or dance? Why is it special?

        • What would you like your friends to know about you?

        It’ll Make You Want to Move! (56 mins | Ages 8+)

        Illustration of a lumberjack wearing a red hat and a checkered shirt. He is balancing on a log as it floats down a river surrounded by rocks and trees.

        This selection of six lively, colourful animated shorts for kids is full of songs and classics that will get them moving!

        Use the password 1234 to watch the Move videos here:

        Le chat colla… (The Cat Came Back)
        Cordell Barker
        7 min | English translation available

        Mascarade (Masquerade)
        Co Hoedeman
        27 min | English version available

        Mouches noires (Blackfly)
        Christopher Hinton
        5 min | English translation available

        Canada vignettes : la valse du maître draveur (Canada Vignettes: Log Driver’s Waltz)
        John Weldon
        3 min | English translation available

        Le merle
        Norman McLaren
        4 min | English translation available

        Martine Chartrand
        10 min | English description available

        Reflect and discuss on what makes you Move

        • Think of your favourite animal. Where does it live?

        • What makes it special?

        It’s Cause for Celebration! (82 mins | Ages 12+)

        Two people dressed in traditional Indigenous regalia. One person is painting the other person’s face with black and white markings.

        This program of three documentaries pays tribute to the many faces of francophone identity in Canada.

        Use the password 1234 to watch the Celebrate videos here:

        Le chemin rouge (Red Path)
        Thérèse Ottawa
        15 min | English subtitles

        Femmes debout (Standing Tall)
        Marie Ka
        23 min | English subtitles

        Les mots qui dansent (The Dance of Words)
        44 min | English version available

        Reflect and discuss on Celebration

        • What is one thing that feels important to you in your life today?

        • Would you like sharing about it?
